Has your dog been diagnosed with chronic kidney disorder or kidney failure? If yes, your local veterinarian can suggest a complete renal diet plan for your pet. A renal or kidney diet for dogs is formulated with low sodium, phosphorus, and protein to reduce kidney stress. This helps to successfully manage their condition and boost their overall health.
Explain a Renal Diet Plan
Renal diet or kidney-failure diet for dogs is a therapeutic diet food plan menu designed for dogs suffering from kidney disease. Such a diet involves planning a dog meal that includes essential nutrients for your dog, at the same time limiting the use of specific compounds that may trigger the stressful condition. Thus, it is considered a healthy dog food.
The primary aim of a specific renal diet is to drastically lessen the kidney’s workload by limiting certain foods. Some nutrients are not filtered effectively by the kidneys and can add to the accumulation of waste products entering the bloodstream.
For Optimum Health Switch to Renal Diet Plan
If your dog has kidney issues, it is advisable to switch to a special meal plan such as a kidney diet for dogs as their kidneys happen to be functioning less efficiently than before, and as a result, the waste filtration from the bloodstream may not be done properly. Even the regulation of fluids and the production of vital hormones are adversely affected when the kidneys don’t function well.
As a result, there is a buildup of harmful toxins in the body. The electrolyte imbalance may also cause potential health problems. A good dog food diet, i.e. a renal diet for dogs can minimize kidney damage by reducing the buildup of waste products that cannot be filtered sufficiently by the kidneys. Slowing the progression of the disease can also enhance their health and quality of life.
A renal diet for dogs can help to reduce the amount of waste products that the kidneys are required to process, which can slow the progression of kidney disease and improve your dog’s quality of life. By restricting the normal food intake that is putting added pressure or stress on the kidneys, a renal diet can relieve some of the undue strain on the dog’s vital organs and help delay the progressive symptoms and the need to look for more intensive treatments.
Note the Differences Between Regular/Normal Dog Diet & Renal Dog Diet
Meeting the nutritional requirements of healthy canines can be quite different from meeting the food needs of dogs with kidney problems. Healthy dogs require more protein and phosphorus intake to support their growth and daily activities. For dogs with chronic kidney disorders, high levels of protein and phosphorus can put a lot of stress on their already compromised and weak kidneys.
Normal dog food may include rice bran, beet pulp, green veggies, grains, fats, lean meats, oats, and foods rich in sodium and chloride. However, dogs with renal conditions can be given proteins that are typically low-purine, omega-3 fatty acids, high-water content foods, and foods with limited sodium and phosphorus.
Renal dog food is relatively easier on the kidneys and provides all important nutrients to their bodies. Dogs are given high-quality protein (in less quantity), and other easy-to-digest foodstuffs. The amount of mineral intake is also restricted so the waste buildup is minimal.
The Healthier Ingredient Options that contribute to renal dog diet plan
You can count on carefully selected food ingredients that are considered best for dog nutrition for the kidneys.
Let us explore the options:
- Low-purine Sources – They are proteins that can be digested quickly and produce very less waste products for the kidneys to filter out. Some fine examples include egg whites, specific kinds of fish, and low-fat dairy items.
- Polyunsaturated Fats – Fats such as omega-3 fatty acids are an excellent kidney diet for dogs. Such foods can effectively reduce kidney tissue inflammation and contribute to overall kidney health.
- Power-packed Antioxidants – Dog nutrition may be incomplete without adding nutrients. Natural plant compounds and nutrients containing vitamin E and vitamin C can aid in neutralizing the toxic free radicals, thus protecting the kidneys.
- Water-soluble Fibers – Considered as good dog food ingredients, oat bran, and psyllium are soluble fibers that assist in regulating blood sugar levels and help in removing waste and reducing the stress on the kidneys.
What foods are best to avoid considering dogs with kidney disease?
While planning a perfect kidney-support diet, removing certain key ingredients to limit their upsetting effect on the kidneys can be advisable.
Corn or wheat – Hard-to-digest plant-based proteins like wheat and corn can add stress to the kidneys as they are harder to digest or metabolize. Such protein sources can end up turning into waste products.
Meat & Bone Meal – MBM may be a good dog food source for healthy dogs. It is a protein-rich food for animals, which is also considered high in phosphorus element that can cause problems for canines with kidney disorders.
Excessive sodium or salty foods – Sodium-rich foods can further damage the kidneys and be responsible for fluid retention and various other complications.
Added Preservatives or Artificial Additives – Most preservatives are chemical-based and the artificial colors or other ingredients may not gel with compromised kidneys that cannot process foods effectively.
Managing Water Intake in Canines With Kidney Disorders
Urging dogs to drink more water can be tricky. To ensure that they are hydrated well, it is better to encourage and coax them to drink an adequate amount of water. You could offer them fresh and clean water. Never forget to refill their bowls many times a day. The use of fountains for running water can be a great idea to make them drink more water.
You may also add low-sodium broth to water at times to make it more appealing. Similarly, offering frozen treats or ice cubes can be a smart way to maintain their hydration levels as dogs enjoy licking ice. Dogs that are not interested in water can be given healthy dog food such as wet food or kibbles that are moistened well to maintain their fluid levels.
Consider Donation To Save Lives
Highly reputed animal shelter homes like Earthlings Trust offer special care for dogs with kidney issues. They provide healthy renal diets and medications for such dogs. Donate for a Paw-positive Change! You can do your bit by contributing to their just cause by donating regularly. Your donation can help the Earthlings team provide specialized treatment and supplements for dogs with kidney problems.
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